Starke County and Hoosier Solar Officials Dedicate New Swine Barn at Fairgrounds
Read about this important announcement in Inside INdiana Business.
May 21, 2024 - The Hoosier Solar team, Starke County Council President Dave Pearman, Starke Commission President Don Binkley, and the board leadership of the Starke County 4-H cut the ribbon for the new Hoosier Solar Swine Barn.
Starke County Fair Board members and elected officials joined members of the Hoosier Solar team to celebrate the newest building at the Starke County Fairgrounds. Fair Board member Bob Binkley and longtime fair board member Beverly Albright cut the ribbon during the dedication ceremony.
The Hoosier Solar Swine barn replaces the original structure, which opened in 1962. Prior to that, pigs were kept in tents at the fairgrounds during the weeklong event.
The new barn is in the same footprint as the original structure, but it is considerably taller, which provides greater functionality and capacity. The barn location is prominent within the Starke County Fairgrounds, underscoring Hoosier Solar’s dedication to its neighbors and commitment to enhancing the community's infrastructure.
“We are committed to Starke County, and investing in the community and agriculture,” Hoosier Solar Vice President of External Affairs Nick Barbknecht said. “Our two interns from Purdue will be working this summer on agrivoltaics and figuring out how we can maximize the amount of agriculture we can grow within and around our solar farms. This is just an extension of that. Thank you to the fair board for partnering with us on that.”
“We really appreciate everything you’ve done,” Starke County Fair Board President Jay Temple said. “It’s not possible without donors like you guys.”
“We appreciate Hoosier Solar’s donation to rebuild the swine barn. The new structure will serve future generations of Starke County farmers well,” Fair Board member Bob Binkley added.
“On behalf of Starke County government, I would like to thank Hoosier Solar for their generous donation,” Starke County Council President Dave Pearman said. “This new facility is a wonderful addition to our fairgrounds, and I hope more people will step up and contribute to continue the improvements.”